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BISS GCHB Bear Hug Sing Second JH CGC
Enzo is currently ranked #1 in Breed Points for Conformation.
We are proud to announce that Enzo, as of the end of July, 2024, is currently ranked #1 in Breed Points and 7th in all breed points for conformation.

Crash just finished his MACH.
Crash finished his requirements for his MACH title on 16 August, 2024. Crash is Enzo and Lucy's brother. Now he is MACH RACH Bear Hug Shipping Up To Boston CDX RM3 RAE@ SH MX MXB MJB MFS TQX T2B3. He also has NAVHDA NA prize 1. Crash is one of only 4 griffons to have ever gotten this title.

News From Bear Hug
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